CARF accredited program


Our Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Management Program is designed to help person's who have chronic pain, complex medical and psychological conditions, and have not responded to normal work injury medical treatment.

These patients may have pain that has persisted beyond the expected healing time and subsequently has become chronic. As a result, Pain becomes a central part of the patient’s life.
Misuse and dependency of narcotics and alcohol may have also complicated their healing process.

In addition, these patients may have complex psychological disorder complicated by physical, job, and vocational loss caused by their injury.

Treatment with a Team Approach helps to avoid the following:

-The condition can further deteriorate.
-The patient moves from one doctor to another in search of relief.
-The patient has a loss of interest in family and friends.
-The patient has sexual, marital, and family dysfunction.
-The patient can become suicidal due to severe depression.
-Sleep and weight problems can occur.
-The patient can suffer further financial and job loss.



Work Hardening/ Work Conditioning

Addressing the issue of productivity, safety, physical tolerances...
The expectation of these programs is to achieve physical conditioning and return to work.

These programs are intensive, highly structured, goal-oriented, and individualized. Both programs provide a transition from acute care and return to work while addressing the issue of productivity, safety, physical tolerances, vocation, and work behavior.

HCRG Work Conditioning
HCRG Work Hardening

Both programs involve:

-Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)-
-Medication management by a physician-
-Intensive individual psychotherapy-
-Physical and/or occupational therapy-
-Vocational counseling-
-Exercise and support group-
-Educational groups-
-Psychological and psychometric testing-
-Wellness Group-

Physical Rehab Services

The purpose of your first visit is to develop a treatment program to restore lost range of motion, strengthen muscles and decrease functional pain. 

Common Services (not all-inclusive):

Range of motion
Joint/soft tissue mobilization
Neuromuscular re-education
Gait Re-training 

-We provide strategies to prevent additional injuries-